Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chai Tea

Chai Tea

Tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers all love this steamy, spicy beverage. I myself am a huge fan of tea. It's good fro my health and my happiness. It's perfect for relaxing at night, for cozying up to a book, waking up in the morning and it's also very good for stomach problems. When I was with my grandma on Christmas she was showing me all of her options of tea because she knows how much I love it. When I saw Chai I knew I had never tried it, but she told me it was delicious. The first time I took a sip My whole body tingled and all of my insides instantly warmed up. You know that feeling when you get after drinking hot choclate after a huge snowball fight? Yeah! That's what it was like!

When I found this recipe to my favorite tea I had to try it! It added a few different elements to it to add some sweetness and creaminess I hadn't never tasted before. This recipe is sure to put a smile on your face. And, if you're like me it'll take you back to a breezy Christmas evening with you wonderful grandma. Enjoy!


1) loose Chai tea leaves
2)loose oolang tea leaves
3)ground cinnamon
4)Cinnamon sticks
5)pure cane sugar
6)brown sugar
7)half and half or choice of cream


Boil a small pan of water. While the water is boiling mix the Chai and Oolang leaves together ina small bowl along with pure cane sugar and the ground cinnamon. When the water is ready fill up a mug half full! You need room for the milk and other toppings so don't over fill it! Fill a small tea strainer will the tea leaves and set it in your mug. The more leaves, the stronger the tea! Make sure to cover the top so that it stays hot! Let it sit fro about 2-3 minutes. Come back and add a small amount of milk and Half and Half to the tea. Put in as much as you like! It's more of a personal preference. You may add brown sugar and honey if you'd like! When that's all finished you may also add a cinnamon stick or two for presentation! Now... drink up!

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